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Developer Handovers with Zeplin – Create a Design System in Sketch

Blog Design systems Tutorials Video material

If you’re a Sketch user and have been following along this design system tutorial series you probably have already noticed the gradual transition from the smallest atoms to pages that need to be somehow implemented. Too often expectations and design details get lost in the weeds because of the lack of a common environment to retain all the UI patterns. In this video on design systems, I’ll share some of the easiest ways to perform design asset handovers to your front-end developers – Zeplin.

A design system is a collection of reusable product design components, that are guided by clear standards. Design system patterns are usually tested with end-users, thus can be easily assembled into new features. If properly set up, experimented, tested and maintained a well-defined system is one of the best designer’s friends. Furthermore, a living design system is one of the most important step-ups for mature designops and UX design organisations. This mini-series will cover exactly that: how to make a simple design system from scratch using Sketch and Atomic design principles.


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