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Pairing Google Fonts: The Easy Mode – Design Tool Tuesday

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This week’s pick: Figma’s resources for easy to use Google web font pairing for product and UX designers. Sometime back I reviewed a pro tool called Typewolf that designers can use to get inspired to use their typefaces more effectively. This time it’s the opposite side of the learning spectrum and what I would label as an easy mode for pairing simple, and readily available fonts well. I’ll show you and talk through the basic rationale when it comes to using these web fonts and a few tips of what you definitely need to keep in mind.

You can find, download, and use this resource for free from Figma’s main website.

Note: we’re not affiliated with the tool makers. It’s just a great UX tool you should know about. In this new weekly UX design, user research, and product design tools series I’ll share some of the best picks I’ve encountered to date. You’ll find out about the best apps, extensions, websites, and other helpful tools.


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