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Axure: UX Prototype Review – Telco Website

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Session #90: Axure UX Prototype Review: Telco Website

In this session, we will perform a UX surgery. Specifically, I’ll walk you through one of the viewer’s from Oz (https://www.instagram.com/damian.ux/) prototype for Telecom customers.

It’s a smooth customer experience prototype worth walking through and getting inspired from. Using it as a user I will attempt to purchase a phone plan and a new device. Better yet, I’ll also mention the ways you can achieve the implemented features with references to other Axure’s Noob to Master videos.

Welcome to the new series on Axure RP 9 prototyping: Axure RP – Noob to Master. Axure is a muscle tool for high-fidelity prototypes and killer UX design.


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