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1k Subscriber Special: Q&A on UX Career, Ageism, Design Systems and UX Tools

Blog Career development Design leadership & strategy Design Q&A Video material

1k Subscriber Special? It has been a few weeks since we’ve got there! At this point the subscriber count has doubled and I’m super grateful to all the viewers out there who have opted in for the UX tools, such as Axure and Sketch tutorials, UX career and process advice and more.

In this video I’ll answer a handful of questions raised recently – some easy others very hard to answer. Most of these could have a video of their own. There’s also a big request which I don’t know if I’ll be able to live up to, but let’s see.


Experience designed newsletter

Twice a month I send out 5 new things you should know about: strategy, design and tech innovation, and always at least one out of the box thing. Additionally, a roundup of featured vaexperience content you might have missed.

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