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Latest Mobile Design Pattern Directory – Design Tool Tuesday

Design Tool Tuesday

This week’s pick: Mobbin. A browsable collection of the latest mobile app design patterns. It’s an amazing tool to browse some of the best mobile design choices from the top tech companies (think Uber, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram and many more), get inspiration, do product design and UX feature research, save the best parts in intuitive libraries and more. I personally have used this tool several times and keep revisiting if need some examples of how designers solve difficult problems in other industries.

Note: we’re not affiliated with the tool makers. It’s just a great UX tool you should know about.

Give it a go here

In this new weekly UX design, user research and product design tools series I’ll share some of the best picks I’ve encountered to date. You’ll find out about the best apps, extensions, websites and other helpful tools.


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