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UX Design Book Reading List – Design Tool Tuesday

Blog Books Design Tool Tuesday Video material

This week’s pick: UX Design Book Reading List by yours truly. Yet again I’ll share another resource from my personal arsenal. Over the past few years, I’ve been logging this reading list with over 40 titles (as of late 2019) to share with my junior and peer designers when they encounter a specific problem or just need a good UX, user research or marketing book to read.

In this video, I’ll share the list as well as a few of the best books (rated 5/5 stars):

Be sure to check the full list, pick at least one book, read and most importantly apply it.

Other links mentioned in the video:

Lean vs Agile vs Design Thinking book review

A Technique for Producing Ideas

In this new weekly UX design, user research and product design tools series I’ll share some of the best picks I’ve encountered to date. You’ll find out about the best apps, extensions, websites and other helpful tools.


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